Our Services

Health Check For Applications
EPM applications are a complex amalgamation of data structures, hierarchies, formulas, input templates and workflow, with data imported from multiple different sources and reports built for different audiences. Frankly, there is some art to making them work optimally.
Sometimes they just don’t work the way you expect them to:
- Data does not seem to reconcile across applications
- Processing data and consolidations take too long
- Workflow doesn’t operate the way the organization does
- Reports run slowly or are missing key information
- Systems are difficult (and costly) to maintain
A CFO Solutions Health Check is a structured process to review your EPM application and get to the root cause of the pain points quickly and efficiently. With the expertise gained from over 100 installations, CFO Solutions will review your application from both a technical and a business perspective to assess opportunities and risks. CFO Solutions will also help you decide how to prioritize your action items by measuring the impact, complexity and lead time to make the change.
Let us make your EPM application run the way it should.

At-Risk Project Recovery
EPM implementations go wrong sometimes, for a variety of reasons. There might have been insufficient discovery of business requirements, a faulty or limited design, an overly optimistic estimate of time or resources, or the right people weren’t available to do the job. Whatever the cause, the project is at risk of failure, throwing you back into an antiquated or manual system.
Signs of a failing project:
- Over-run timelines and budgets
- Stalled progress and lack of direction
- Unresolved design issues
- Perceived product limitations
- Lack of stakeholder engagement
- Lack of end user adoption
- Skill gaps in the implementation team
We are experienced at resolving the common challenges that threaten successful projects. Clients turn to us to reinvigorate their critical projects because they trust us to understand their business needs and priorities, not to just turn on the software. We will help you understand what is going wrong and how to turn it around.

Process Improvement
Effective and efficient processes are fundamental to an organization’s day-to-day operations. Awkward, inefficient, labor-intensive processes bog down teams with unnecessary details and tasks, and often lead to a failure to achieve the goals of the organization.
We often hear our clients lament, “we spend too much time on the process and not enough time analyzing data and making decisions.”
CFO Solutions has extensive experience optimizing Finance operational processes. Focusing on resolving process challenges is core to our implementation methodology.
Let us help you streamline your company’s business processes and improve your results.